
Money & Salvation: An Invitation to the Good Way

Andrew Geleris
5 x 7.25
( 8 reviews ) Write a Review

Too often, we as hierarchs, clergy, and lay leaders speak to our people about giving to meet the needs of the Church or the needs of the poor, and we forget to teach that the true need for each and every one of us is simply to give. God did not recommend that we give only when there is some perceived need or a capital campaign for a project. God commands that we give for our salvation. This short but profound book explores the deeper spiritual meaningand necessityof financial giving.

Each chapter includes a series of discussion questions designed for book clubs, family reading, and church small groups.

Review by James A. Cox, Editor-in-chief, Midwest Book Review


8 Reviews

  • 5
    Money & Salvation

    Posted by Amal Morcos on 11th Dec 2023

    Hands down this is one of the best Orthodox books I have ever read. It has shown me that God is the ultimate giver and that I need to be like him. It has freed me from the fear of having no financial security and has created in me a joy in giving. His teaching on tithing and ritual sacrifice in the Old Testament is extremely enlightening. I have ordered several copies for friends and they have all appreciated having clear Orthodox teaching on a topic that is so important.

  • 5
    Money & Salvation

    Posted by James A. Cox on 16th Sep 2022

    Synopsis: With the publication of "Money & Salvation: An Invitation to the Good Way", author Andrew Geleris reminds us that all too often when we as hierarchs, clergy, and lay leaders speak to our people about giving to meet the needs of the church or the needs of the poor, and we forget to teach that the true need for each and every one of us is simply to give.

    The message is that God did not recommend that we give only when there is some perceived need or a capital campaign for a project. God commands that we give for the sake of our salvation.

    "Money & Salvation: An Invitation to the Good Way" is succinct and profound exploration of the deeper spiritual meaning for Christians concerning the necessity of financial giving for the right reasons and the right purpose.

    Critique: Jesus gave illustrative examples of what God desires of his people when it comes to donating -- witness the story of the Widow's Mite for example. As has been demonstrated over the last two millennia the effect of wealth on spirituality in terms of requests and donations has often been demonstrated to be a distraction and a source of corruption for clergy and laity from what God requires of us in both action and intent. "Money & Salvation: An Invitation to the Good Way" is unreservedly recommended reading for all members of the Christian community. It should be noted for the personal reading lists of clergy, seminary students, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that "Money & Salvation: An Invitation to the Good Way" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99) from

  • 5
    Money and Salvation

    Posted by Dan Abraham on 2nd Sep 2022

    Excellent explanation of how we Orthodox view money within our spirituality

  • 5
    Money and Salvation

    Posted by Pam Drennan on 20th Jun 2022

    Dr.Geleris’s book is going to profoundly bless all who read it! His carefully researched words explain the true blessings of giving! I’m half way through it and I can hardly put it down! I hope every Orthodox Christian reads it! Actually, I hope every Christian reads it!!

  • 5
    A "should-read" for every priest

    Posted by Rev. Michael Gillis Pastor, Holy Nativity Antiochian Orthodox Church (Langley, BC) on 9th Jun 2022

    Money and Salvation: The Good Way is not a book that will help you raise money. It is a book that will help you guide souls to salvation. Dr Geleris turns our thinking about money on its head
    and shows how Jesus and the Church Fathers taught that the Good Way of mercy opens the flood gates of heavenly mercy. It is a book that should be read by every priest and pastor and studied in parish book clubs, study groups, and adult Sunday schools.

  • 5
    A must-have

    Posted by The Very Rev Dr Chad Hatfield President, St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary on 9th Jun 2022

    The Orthodox Christian teaching on salvation is based on the doctrine of free will. We make choices to be with God or to be without him. Everything that we do in Orthodoxy, be it Canon Law or Stewardship, is understood as a pathway given by God to attain salvation for those who choose it. In a rare read, Dr Geleris has illumined the path that shows us how we can use our earthly treasure in order to find salvation.

  • 5
    A much needed book!

    Posted by Charles Ajalat on 9th Jun 2022

    Andy Geleris’ Money and Salvation is much needed in our Orthodox Church as we encourage the faithful to be “like God.” Andy emphasizes how generous and loving God is with specific biblical and patristic examples of giving as “soul-centric”—leading us to God—rather than “ministry-centric” regarding Church needs and projects. Everything we have is from God and is God’s gift. The book also helps explain the great fruits and joy of understanding and living a life of generosity: the gift of an eternal life with God, beginning in our lives here and now. Every parish council member and priest should read the book as
    they help their Church to thrive with a plan to help implement God’s Kingdom. This involves not only providing the Church resources to do so but helping us, the faithful, to realize God’s plan for drawing us closer to him in all aspects of our lives, putting our treasure and
    first-fruits in God’s Kingdom rather than in the world. Our clergy and lay leaders can provide this example to the faithful by their own giving and a program of education, as the book suggests.

  • 5
    Highly Recommend

    Posted by Met. Joseph, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of all North America on 9th Jun 2022

    I recommend to all parish clergy and lay leaders that they prayerfully read Money and Salvation and work to teach and exhort our faithful to give generously as commanded by our Lord—not only for the building up of our churches but for their own salvation. With gratitude to Dr Geleris for this well-written and well-researched work, and prayers that it will be for the good of the holy Church and the salvation of her faithful children.